Park Rules and Regulations
We have designed a number of guidelines that we hope will maintain the Briarmeade community in such a way that you will be pleased to live here. As such, the following Rules and Regulations have been established for the benefit of all park residents, guests and other visitors of Briarmeade Estates and will be strictly enforced by the management. The park is private property and all persons who enter the park for any purpose shall be subject to these Rules and Regulations and any further amendments.
General: As a condition of residency in the park you agree to follow these Rules and Regulations at all times. You agree to be responsible for the actions of your guests and to make sure your guests fully understand the Rules of the park.
Rent: All rent is due on the first calendar day of the month and is paid on a month to month basis. Lot rent paid on the 6th day or after is considered late and is subject to a $50 Late Fee. Any waiver in late fees must be approved by the owner and will only be granted in the event of a dire circumstance. Note - Eviction filing may occur at any time after the 15th and you agree to pay all related filing fees and other costs. Contact the owner immediately to avoid any unnecessary expenses.
Payment of rent must be in the form of check or money order and made out to
TO THE LANDLORD. You will receive a receipt once payment is made. You can pay
Kim or Rusty Reeve either in person or you can use the drop box. Either way, it must be received by the 5th in order to avoid a late charge.
A fee of $20 will be charged for any check that is returned for insufficient funds.
Any balance will not be considered “paid in full” until all fees due have been paid. A partial payment is still subject to penalties until it is paid in full.
Single/Multiple Lots: Rent is assessed on a per lot basis. Any tenant wishing to occupy more than one lot for any reason must obtain approval from the park owner. Additional lot rent will be assessed accordingly.
Deposits: Occupancy in the park requires a Security Deposit equivalent to the first
month’s rent whether you are a renter or homeowner.
Homeowners are also required to provide an additional deposit to cover the costs
associated with skirting and decking their home prior to move-in. This deposit will be refunded once the home has either been properly skirted and decked or unless the park provides the service for the homeowner.
Security Deposits are refundable if there is no damage to the lot and/or rental unit, all rent and late fees are paid in full, and a minimum 30 day notice was given. There are no rent refunds.
Occupancy: All residents must have a completed Lease Agreement on file with
management. A copy of the signed Park Rules and Regulations must also be on file. No adult person shall move into the park unless an Application and a new Lease Agreement has been approved by the owner.
Children: Tenants are responsible for the activities of their children and their children’s guests (under 18 years old) while they are in the park. An adult must supervise young children at all times. Children’s toys are not to be left in the street or common areas when not in use.
Pets: Unfortunately, we do not allow pets in our Rental Homes at this time,
however pets are allowed in Tenant Owned Homes provided they fall under the
following guidelines:
Domestic pets must be less than 30 pounds, housed inside the home, and kept on a leash when outside. Pet owners are required to clean up after their pets when outside. No more than 2 pets per household. No vicious breeds are allowed on the premises at any time, specifically to include but not limited to Rottweiler, Chow-Chow, Akita, Pit Bull, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, German Shepherd, Doberman Pinscher, Wolf Hybrids, etc. Exotic animals and any animal with a propensity to bite, or that would pose a threat of injury to a human being, are not allowed on the premises.
Note - A Pet Agreement must be filled out for all animals living in your home
regardless if you rent or own. A copy of the Pet Agreement is being provided to each resident for your reference regardless if you have a pet or not. If you currently have a pet, please fill out the Pet Agreement and return it so it can be attached to your Lease Agreement. Remember, any violation of the Pet Rules will result in a $30 fee for the initial violation and an additional charge of $20 per day for each day afterward.
A Pet Deposit equivalent to one month’s rent will be required upon move-in for all new pet owners and for existing tenants that acquire a pet.
Documented service animals are not considered pets.
Utilities: Water, trash and sewer are included as part of the rent each month. Tenants are responsible for their own utilities including electric, gas, cable, etc. All utility deposits are the responsibility of the tenant. Homeowners are responsible for all electrical and plumbing hook up charges as well as all maintenance from the point of connection at the utility box/line to their mobile home.
Water Usage: No outside water use is allowed in the park unless approved by the
owner and/or management representative. This includes car and boat washing. Water for small gardens and pressure washing of units is ok.
Mowing and Landscaping: It is the responsibility of each resident to maintain the grass and landscape maintenance of their respective lots. This includes areas behind, beside, and under homes, and against perimeter fences. Contact park management with requests to make any changes or alteration of your space and/or landscape.
Any resident who does not maintain their space will receive a 14 day violation notice. If the violation is not corrected within that timeframe a fine of $30 will be assessed to the tenant in addition to any cost incurred by the park to have the lot mowed.
Maintenance: Tenants are responsible for the maintenance and repair of their
individual homes. All tenants must maintain their homes and lots in accordance with park standards as follows:
- Skirting: All mobile homes in the park must be properly anchored for safety reasons and skirted in a manner that gives a neat appearance to both the unit and the park. If you have any questions, contact park management.
- Roofing: Roofs must be maintained and be made out of building materials designed for mobile homes. No rusted or peeling roofs are allowed.
- Painting/Siding: Home colors are at the discretion of the tenant provided they are not “over the top” or “unsightly” and fit into the look of the community. Please contact management before changing colors to be sure it’s in accordance with park standards. Faded and/or chipped paint needs to be corrected.
- Broken Windows/Doors: Need to be replaced/repaired immediately.
- Clutter: Excessive clutter in and around units must be cleaned up and removed or a violation notice will be issued.
Garbage: Each lot shall be provided with a garbage container for use by unit
occupants. All trash must be in plastic bags and placed inside the garbage container. No bags or other trash is to be placed outside the can, on the ground, on any porch, or left inside the unit. It is the Tenant’s responsibility to discard larger household items that do no fit in trash cans. Please note that no outside storage of household items, car parts, building materials, etc. is allowed on park property. Any violation will be photographed and a daily fine of $20 will be incurred by the resident of said unit.
Vehicles: Residents may have up to 3 vehicles per lot maximum. Only operative
vehicles licensed for the highway are permitted in the park. No vehicle may be used, stored or parked within the park unless it has a current registration tag. Inoperative vehicles and boats, and unattached trailers or commercial vehicles are considered a violation and are not permitted on the streets or in or around tenant’s spaces. Residents may be asked to demonstrate their vehicle is working at management’s request. Any and all non-running vehicles must be removed by the tenant within 14 days of receipt of a violation notice or they will be subject to being towed off the property at the owner’s expense. Failure to comply can result in eviction.
No vehicle may be repaired in the park except for emergency repairs approved by the owner or management representative.
Vehicles shall be parked on the resident’s homesite whenever possible. Other vehicle parking requires approval by management. Tenants shall not park their vehicles in vacant or otherwise unused spaces of other residents.
No ATV’s, off road vehicles, or excessively loud motorcycles are allowed to be driven inside the park unless approved by the owner.
Speed: For resident’s safety, the speed limit within the park is 10 miles per hour.
Prohibited: The use, sale, distribution, manufacture and/or possession of any illegal item or substance is prohibited within the park. No explosive devices, guns, bow & arrows, crossbows, BB or pellet guns, or other weapons of any type may be discharged or used on park property.
Trampolines, swimming pools, bounce houses, and water slides are not allowed due to the risks associated with such items.
Laundry Lines: No laundry is to be hung outside resident’s homes. Any laundry hung in or around the park will be photographed and a fine of $20 will be incurred by the resident responsible for each violation.
Noise: In consideration of all park residents, loud music, partying, alcohol abuse and excessive and/or disturbing noise, caused either by people or pets, are not allowed.
Business: Commercial business activities by residents and/or their guests that
negatively impact the community environment are not permitted. This includes
displaying of signs, excessive traffic by non-residents, and housing of commercial
vehicles. Home businesses are ok provided they do not adversely affect the traffic, parking, or the environment of the park.
Construction: The following items are related to building and/or construction issues that may arise within the park:
- All structures and/or additions to either the mobile home or the space must be pre-approved by the owner prior to installation. Management reserves the right to
demand the repair and maintenance of any structure and/or addition if management feels that there is an unsafe and/or unsightly condition. If a building permit is required, it shall be the tenant’s responsibility to obtain and satisfy the permit.
- Garages, porches and storage units must be approved by the owner and shall remain the property of the resident. Management is not responsible for any damage to garages or storage units or any theft or damage to items housed within.
- Large Patios and Large Porches attached to mobile homes may require skirting.
- Patios and porches are not to be used for the purpose of storage.
No resident shall construct, alter or block any natural path of water flow in the park toward adjoining lands.
Plumbing: Plumbing stoppages and water line failures will be billed to unit owners and rental tenants when the cause of the blockage can be traced to discharge or leakage from a specific unit. You agree to pay the full cost of repairs and service calls.
Security: Park residents are required to lock or otherwise secure all units, storage units and vehicles to protect their personal property. The owner/management are in no way responsible for theft, fire, storm, flood or other type of damage to or disappearance of personal property.
Fire Safety/Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: It is the mobile home owner’s responsibility to equip their own unit with functional smoke detectors and carbon monoxide gas detectors. Park owned homes have been provided with functioning smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors (if applicable) by management, however it is the renter’s responsibility to replace batteries when needed.
Safety Hazards: Please report any hazards immediately to management and/or
owners. Hazards include anything unusual such as gas leaks, water leaks, exposed
wiring, broken/dangling tree branches, etc.
Home Moving/Removal: In accordance with Alabama law, no unit may be removed from the park unless and until all rental and other fees due have been paid in full and the park owner has given written permission for the unit to be removed. No mobile home transport company is ever allowed on park property without written permission from the owner.
Damages: Any occupant or guest on park property freely waives, to the maximum
extent permitted by law, any and all rights to collect damages and/or other
compensation from park owners or management representatives resulting from any event that occurs on park property, or concerns the park in any way, unless such event shall have been caused by the gross negligence act of the owners or management representatives.
Accessibility: Park management and/or owner reserves the right to access each space whether or not tenant occupied to conduct inspections, to maintain utilities, to make emergency repairs, or to stop water leaks. A 24 hour notice will be given for all non-emergency situations.
Available/Emergency: Contact Kim Reeve at (972) 849-3725 or Rusty Reeve at (972) 965-8531 for any questions, concerns or park problems you may have. In the event of a life threatening emergency always call 911.
Services: The park owner will make a reasonable effort to maintain all customary
services to the property at all times, but any failure, defect, or other inoperative
condition shall not be justification for a refusal to make a required payment to owner.
Acts of Nature: The tenant understands that the owners and/or management are not responsible for any damage to the property or home of a tenant as a result of an act of nature including but not limited to wind, hail, rain, flooding, tornadoes, heat, etc.
Management reserves the right to add to or alter these Rules and Regulations as
circumstances require and as necessary for the safety and care of the community and for securing the comfort, peace and quiet convenience of all residents. The tenants and residents will observe and comply with all such Rules as the management may prescribe on written notice to residents. The failure by management to enforce any Rule or Regulation of the park or the failure to insist in any instance on strict performance of any requirement herein shall not be considered as a waiver of these Rules and Regulations. The provisions of these Rules and Regulations shall be severable; if any provision is held invalid or unenforceable by any court or law for any reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall be in full force and effect. These Rules will be enforced by management to insure the health, safety, welfare, comfort, peace and quiet convenience of each resident in the park. Any resident who violates these Rules and Regulations will have their Lease cancelled and
will be evicted from the park.
Tenant acknowledges having read and understands all the stated Rules and
Regulations and hereby agrees to comply with each and is in full agreement with these guidelines being an integral part of the Security Deposit Agreement (if applicable) and the Lease between the tenant and management. Tenant acknowledges receipt of a copy of these community guidelines for tenant’s personal records. Tenant acknowledges that violations, breach or default of these guidelines, whether singular or several, will be grounds for termination of the tenant’s Lease and will result in eviction from the park.
(All adults must sign!)
I have read Briarmeade Estates Park Rules and Regulations and hereby agree to
comply to the terms as stated herein.
Tenant: ___________________________________ Dated: ____________
Tenant: ___________________________________ Dated: ____________
Management Rep: __________________________ Dated: ____________
*** Failure to sign the Park Rules and Regulations will be construed as non compliance and will be considered a violation of your Lease Agreement resulting in said tenant(s) being asked to move from said property.